We’ve compiled a list of the best apps for shopping on iOS and Android devices. Check them out now! Find out what the best app for shopping and travel that will change your experience for ever.
Shopping online has never been easier. With an array of mobile apps available, you can shop anywhere, anytime. From fashion to food, these apps will save you money and time.
Amazon Prime Day is back again this year with deals galore. This annual event is one of the biggest sales days of the year, so make sure to check out our top picks below. One of the biggest logistics to ever do it. Amazon has made shopping via it online marketplace super customer friendly.
If you’re looking for an app to help you shop online, then we recommend using either eBay or Amazon. Both offer free shipping options and both allow you to buy products directly from other users. However, there are some differences between the two. eBay also allows you to buy second hand products.
Pigee – The homing Pigeon
Pigee is an app that allows you treat any shop you visit on vacation like Amazon or Shopee. It works by adding shipping your products home directly from the sellers you meet on your travels.
So you walk into a shop or street market on your travels. You find a product you love, like a vase or painting. Something unique that you’ve not seen back home. Usually you would have to either leave that cumbersome or delicate item on the shelf and hit the cocktail bar to get over it.
But thanks to the Pigee shopping app, you can tell the vendor to list the product to their Pigee registered shop. If they dont have the app, dont worry. It will only take them 2 minutes to download and register. There isn’t any cost to the seller.
They can then list the product, starting with taking a photo and recording the dimensions and weight in the description. This takes only 10 seconds to do.
Now you can treat their quaint store like your own personal Amazon by adding their products to your virtual cart within the app. You can either pay the vendor in cash or via the app. But you pay for the shipping via the app meaning the product will be insured and trackable all the way home.
As its new and novel in the omni-shipping and travel shopping space, we vote Pigee to be the best app for shopping!